Frequently Asked Questions

When will my item be delivered?

An approximate time for delivery should be within the description area of the item ordered. We will endeavor to deliver your item as soon as possible and usually this is within 0-2 weeks, dependent upon whether the item is in stock.

How will my item be delivered and how can I keep track of my item?

Your item will be delivered via our courier service. Once an order is placed, our courier will contact you directly (usually via telephone) to arrange a convenient date/time for delivery. Our customer services representative will also keep you updated every step of the way via email, in relation to an approximate time for delivery.

How do I return an item?

Our returns policy can be found here

Do you deliver internationally?

If you want to purchase an item and deliver this internationally, then please contact customer services at with the name of the item and the address of delivery. We will then get back to you as soon as possible in relation to a quote for delivery. The cost will depend on which country the item is being delivered to.

Can my item be assembled?

Most of our items are delivered already assembled but for items which are flat packed, we can arrange for this to be assembled at an additional cost. Please contact us at

Can I pay for my item with finance?

The answer is yes, we offer 0% interest free finance on all our products and you can apply for this at the point of checkout. The credit company we are partnered with is Payl8r.

All you need to do is complete a 30 second application and you will receive an instant decision. The credit company may ask you for additional proof of eligibility, therefore please follow the steps when automatically directly to their website. Once approved, your order will be processed as normal.

What if my credit application has been rejected?

Just a little tip… customers who have been refused credit in the past, the higher the deposit you pay, the better chance you will have being accepted for credit. Alternatively, you can talk directly to a member of the Payl8r team on 0161 375 1713 if you have any queries in relation to finance.

Do you offer a price match guarantee?

Diamond Furnishings is aware that the price of all our items is important to our customers, therefore we offer a price match guarantee. Please note : We take into account the following, when considering a price match.

• The items are identical and of the same quality.

• The price is inclusive of VAT.

• The other item is not a sale price.

• The retailer must be UK based.

• The retailer must have a website.

• The total offer must be identical, including delivery, guarantee and payment options.

If it meets the above criteria then please email us at

Can I collect my furniture?

Unfortunately, we don’t offer collection at the moment as we are an online furniture outlet only. All our items are delivered via our quick and reliable courier service.

I want to cancel my order, what should I do?

Please contact us immediately after purchase to inform us. We will discuss the options with you. If your order is being made specially, it may not be possible to cancel it and this may incur a charge being applied. If your item has already been dispatched, then delivery charges will not be refunded and you are liable to accept the order and pay for the return of the item. You can contact us with any queries in relation to cancelling your order at

How secure is shopping on

Very. It’s vitally important to us that you can shop on our website in complete confidence. That’s why we’ve invested in the most advanced website security available, designed to provide all the protection and assurance you need, from making transactions to updating personal information.

Can I make any changes to my order?

The answer is yes, unless your item has already been dispatched. If you want to make any changes to your order, email us at or alternatively you can call us on our free phone number 0800 002 5537. Please note that changing your order may result in a delay with delivery.

What if there is a delay with my delivery?

Please don’t worry. We’ll let you know straight away if your estimated delivery time has changed. Of course, some delays are beyond our control but if this happens then will will endeavor to keep you updated as soon as possible.

Do you have any offers or new customer promotions?

Yes we do, we pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and we offer discounts and promotional codes usually via our Instagram and Facebook pages. New customers will also automatically receive a 10% discount on their next order and will receive a discount code via email, once your first order has been placed. A further discount will also be sent if you send us or tag us in any photos or videos of your new furniture and this is published on our social media pages. Please also don’t forget to leave any feedback on our Facebook page as this would be much appreciated.

What do I do if I have a complaint?

In the unusual event that you have a complaint please email us at Please include your customer order number along with a brief description of your concern. We will endeavor to respond within 48 hours.

I have a query in relation to a product or wanted some more information in relation to an item, how can I contact you?

You can contact us via email at or alternatively via our free phone customer number on 0800 002 5537. Lines are open Monday-Saturday from 9am – 5pm.

You can also ask questions via our Instagram and Facebook page which is monitored on a regular basis.

Do you supply good quality furniture?

Quality Assurance is important to us and we pride ourselves on producing good quality products for all our customers. We do not supply replicas or import furniture and all our products are supplied and produced within the UK.